How to add USDT to Metamask on the Polygon (MATIC) Network?
If you do not have USTD/MATIC tokens in your wallet you can add them manually. Please note, all tokens need to be added through the Polygon Mainnet.
Here are 4 steps to add USDT to MetaMask on the Polygon (MATIC) Network:
Go to MetaMask and ensure that you are using the Polygon Mainnet (MATIC)
Select ‘Import Tokens’, and search USDT.
If you cannot add the token automatically use “Custom Token”:
Polygon contract: 0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f
Token Symbol: USDT
Token Decimal: 6
4. Press “Add Custom Token”.
Now you can see Tether(USDT) token in your wallet.
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